Sunday, August 9, 2009

And it begins...

Hey ladies!

Just got a wild hair and decided to start a blog to get all the women in my life together having fun. This is kind of starting from the River 3rd Ward women, (hence the blog address - r3women) however, ANYONE is welcome to join us. (Well, almost anyone - girl's only!) If fact, my sisters, neices, and hopefully other friends will come too -- if they want.

If you are reading this consider it your invitation to come have some fun. It will be your responsibility to check this blog. I may or may not remember to mention it to anyone in person. :)

Monday nights at 9:00pm are our weekly time for now. We'll rotate our activities which might include, but are not limited to, game nights and dollar theatres. You are welcome to suggest ideas or host. Some other stuff that might be of interest will be posted too.

I'm going to ask that for the most part you try to RSVP in the comments under the post for the GNO. It's okay if you don't and still want to come, but just try to get in the habit so we know who to plan on. (This is more helpful to know if it's at someone's house.)

So yay! I'm excited to try this. If there's 2 or 20 of us it doesn't matter - it's just fun to get together! Come and play!!

:) Malisa

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